The Durex Pledge Drive aimed to address risky sexual practices in Zambia, where there is currently the 6th highest birth rate in the world, child marriages, teen pregnancies, HIV and STIs.
Our vision was for a campaign that would Pledge Zambia to No1 on the continent – competing against other countries. We aimed to attain 200 000 pledges however we exceeded this significantly, driving massive brand engagement and education for Durex.
The Pledge Drive Show travelled through key youth hotspots in Zambia, making stops at compounds, universities, and recreational areas, providing education on safe sex, interactions with influencers, games and inviting people to take the Safe Sex Pledge.
A route map shared via social media to detail the Durex truck’s whereabouts. The campaign has been deemed ‘The Best in Class’ across all the Durex campaigns for 2019 and will be rolled out through Africa in future.