We are proud to work with P&G Africa supporting their internal and external communications team with media training, media production, media monitoring and communications for the P&G corporate brand for Africa....
We are proud to work with P&G Africa supporting their internal and external communications team with media training, media production, media monitoring and communications for the P&G corporate brand for Africa....
Triple 8 managed the launch of the Coke studio across PR and event platforms. This created an opportunity for the Coke brand to create massive buzz, engagement, and magic around Coke and Music+ Entertainment, bring people together, and get the media, influencers, and teens talking...
The COVID-19 pandemic had various brands stuck, with not much to do. But this did not stop JIK. To honour frontline workers that were sacrificing so much for the rest of our country, Triple Eight developed a campaign that thanked the frontline workers for their...
Harpic briefed us to develop a purpose framework. We were to identify key issues in South Africa related to sanitation around which a long-term Harpic purpose programme can be developed. The purpose programme should help South Africa’s most vulnerable communities. We realised that women in South...
With the South African healthcare system heavily overburdened, mothers stand in line all day at clinics only to be sent home to come back the next day but Johnsons Baby and Triple Eight were determined to change this. Many new moms do not know that a...
South Africa has amongst the highest rates of teenage pregnancy and HIV in the world. Condoms are still the safest & most cost-effective intervention for sexually active youth to prevent HIV, STIs and unplanned pregnancy. Triple Eight fostered a partnership with the Department of Basic Education to...
The Durex Pledge Drive aimed to address risky sexual practices in Zambia, where there is currently the 6th highest birth rate in the world, child marriages, teen pregnancies, HIV and STIs. Our vision was for a campaign that would Pledge Zambia to No1 on the continent...
During the pandemic, Triple Eight developed a series of innovative touchless handwashing stations that formed the basis of the largest handwashing programme in South Africa. We partnered the Department of Health with the number 1 hygiene brand in the country, Dettol, and launched a programme to...
Triple Eight and Team Magnum wanted to ensure the launch of the new Magnum pints would be a sellout. And that’s exactly what we achieved. 100% sellout at stores in our first month! Our launch event in South Africa’s richest square mile Sandton, invited our media...